I’m Katie – a somatic IFS Practitioner for people seeking more balance in their lives.

Katie LaCelle - Handstand in Grass

Professionally Trained By

Picture this…

A stressed out woman in a suit races from meeting to meeting. She’s always overextended for clients and staff. Constantly exhausted and completely stuck, it seems there’s no end in sight for her. Most nights, she lies on her floor and cries.

I bet you’ve already guessed that woman was me.

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Katie LaCelle Leading a Meeting

How it started

I was working as an executive director in a financial consulting firm. That meant running operations for a 100-person practice on top of 50+ hours of client work per week. It took every ounce of courage to request a move out of my position into a part-time role – my definition of success was inseparable from my job. But I thought I just needed a little space to breathe, then I’d go right back to climbing that C Suite ladder.

My body had other plans. 

I developed chronic migraines and horrific sciatic pain. I was physically unable to work most days. If you’ve ever been in this position, you know how scary it can be. I didn’t understand what was happening to me.

You see, I’d always tried to “achieve” health. I ate the right things and drank SO much green juice. I exercised regularly, but never too much. I did all the self-care things and kept rigid bedtime rules to manage my sleep.

It was terrifying to think that this might be my new reality. I felt completely helpless—like I had tried everything, and my body was just rebelling against me. I didn’t know what else I could do.  

I discovered IFS & somatic healing right when I needed it most.

Katie LaCelle Smelling a Flower

How it’s going

✓My daily migraines are down to just a few times a month. 

✓Chronic digestive issues, poor immune system, and insomnia that I’ve struggled with for as long as I can remember are gone. 

✓I got trained in IFS, and now I get to do work I’m passionate about on my own terms. 

✓I work in ways that give me energy, and I am able to let go of the things that don’t. 

IFS taught me to listen to what my body and subconscious already knew. And I made real changes. 

This meant removing draining things I was unknowingly doing for someone else. I discovered the things that authentically bring me joy and added more of them to my life. I developed the self trust and self-worth to believe that I can figure things out for myself and that I’m worth figuring things out for.

Now, my mission is to help you avoid burnout, thrive, and reclaim your energy without the years of trial and error.

It’s your turn to finally start putting yourself first.

Hi, I’m Katie LaCelle

Leadership Coach & IFS Practitioner

If you see parts of yourself in that story, you’re in the right place.

After thirteen years of experience in the corporate world, I know the unique pressures that high achievers face. Add to that IFS training, a certification in traumatic stress studies, a master's degree in leadership, movement coaching, plus ongoing training in Somatic Experiencing, and I’ve got a full toolkit to support the unique challenges you’re working through.

Your mind and body already knows what you need to thrive. IFS Coaching will help you listen. If you’re looking for someone to support you on this journey, get in touch.

The (Fun) Facts

Huge Nerd

I have an undergraduate degree in engineering, I love spreadsheets, and I play a LOT of video games (everything from Animal Crossing to Elden Ring).

Mental Health Experience

I’m continually learning about the science of mental health – formally and informally. In October 2023, I completed the Trauma Research Foundation’s Certification program in Traumatic Stress. Now, I’m training in Somatic Experiencing (SE).

Neurodiverse & LGBT Human

Diversity and inclusion are deeply important to me, and I am committed to exploring my blind spots and learning from the experiences of others.

Movement & the Flying Trapeze

I’ve spent fifteen years coaching movement with mindfulness – yoga, personal training, flying trapeze, and hand balancing. I currently coach flying trapeze and handstands, and sometimes I even perform!

Cat Mom

I have two tabby cats. Their names are Ellie & Zoe. They are OBSESSED with eating lettuce and basil. It’s very weird. I have videos.

IFS helps you understand the core beliefs that are no longer serving you. Any of this sound familiar?

  • “Others may see me as successful, but I sure don’t feel that way.”

  • “I’d like to take better care of myself – but when?” 

  • “I’ve tried all the recommended self-care, but I’m starting to believe this is as good as it’s going to get.”

  • “I’m desperate for some balance – how can I find the time and energy to actually enjoy my life?”

I get it. When you’re under constant pressure to “do” more, it can be incredibly difficult to make space for yourself.

That’s exactly what I help my clients change. 

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Since working with me, my clients have…

Katie LaCelle walking along a stream

Ready to redefine “success” and find your own answers?