How would true confidence change the way you show up in the toughest leadership conversations & conflicts?

Hand Lighting a Match

Are you exhausted by that gnawing pit of anxiety that comes up every time you have to do something like…

  • Give constructive feedback?

  • Present in front of an audience?

  • Tell a client something they don’t want to hear?

Part of you may feel like you “should be over this already”… and then that just makes it all feel much worse. The unfortunate truth is that most promotions don’t come with all the education and support you need to feel like you know what you’re doing.

So you do the fake it til you make it, and it feels terrible. You work full-time and then some, and people are looking to you for answers constantly. You have this voice in your head that tells you someone is going to discover you at any moment. "You’re going to fail. It’s going to be humiliating. And it’s really hard to ask for help, because that means admitting you need help.

You are NOT alone in this. These feelings make sense!

And there’s a proven way to shift from feeling incompetent to feeling confident.

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Level up your self-awareness and professional confidence by applying new leadership strategies in real-time to your toughest career challenges.

Group sits around table for leadership coaching with Katie LaCelle

What will leadership coaching do for me?

✓ Cultivate leadership presence - that quality that makes every single person in the room feel like you’ve got “it”

✓ Teach you how to have your toughest conversations with confidence

✓ Remove mindset blocks holding you back from stepping fully into your leadership power

✓ Help you reframe and use conflict as a transformational opportunity

✓ Develop creative problem-solving and the ability to continually see challenges anew.

Hi, I’m Katie LaCelle

Leadership Coach & IFS Practitioner

I work with leaders and leaders to be in uncovering their unique leadership style and ability - discovering and uncovering the leader already inside.

I have a masters degree in leadership and was an executive before starting my own business. Leadership sessions are completely customized and individualized to quickly develop the skills and confidence you need for your role.

Learn more

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  • With most of my clients, I meet twice a month for an hour. We typically have an overarching goal, like preparing you to step into a new leadership role or dealing with a challenging project or team situation. Each session builds on your skillset and comfort level, giving you manageable action items to do in between.

  • Some of the concepts that may be covered include, but are not limited to:

    • Strategies for difficult conversations & mitigating performance anxiety

    • How to view and use conflict as a transformational opportunity

    • Team building and alignment

    • The development of trust and the impact of its presence (or lack thereof)

    • The art of constructive feedback

    • The importance of leadership presence and how to cultivate it.

    • Creative problem-solving and the ability to continually see anew

    • Improvement of emotional intelligence and active listening skills.

  • In many cases, yes. HR departments commonly have training budgets which can be used for leadership coaching. Coaching is personalized training and education.

    See this blog post for more information on how to ask your company for coaching.

What will your working life be like a month from now?

Will you be constantly pushing down that awful pit in your stomach as you worry “this time” will be the one they realize I don’t know what I’m doing? Or, will you be confidently approaching your most challenging conversations, projects, and issues, able to completely let go of work thoughts when you get home because there’s nothing left to worry about?

That’s up to you.

Complete the form below to get started.